Arrived at 8.35 and was given a pager so we went and huddled in one of the Boardwalk Shops for warmth, There isnt much room in the actual flying fish lobby to wait seated.
We waited probably about 10-15mins and were then seated. The Flying Fish is quite a strange building, Its quite a long corridor style with an open kitchen on the left as you go in where you have the option to sit at the chefs table, the ceiling is very high and this coupled with the fact it is one open area makes it rather noisy and echoey.

The menu is nice and tight with some fresh market specials.
Jackie ordered the Oak flamed fillet of Salmon and I ordered a Beautiful piece of very rare Blue Tuna served on a bed of fine Vermicelli Noodles, nicely spiced. Both dishes were beautifully presented and were washed down with a bottle of nicely chilled Kenwood Sonoma Sauvignon Blanc 2003. Though on reflection this did little to raise our body temperatures.LOL
One Criticism though. The place was freezing. It couldn't have been much above 4c outside but rather than have any heat in the Restaurant the place still had the AC on as if it was a hot summers day outside. It was probably not helped by the size of the space as I have mentioned.
The food however was all V.Good and I followed the main course by ordering a selection of Artisan Cheeses which included nice soft Brie, Camembert, Stilton, English V.Mature Cheddar, and a glass of deep Cabernet Sauvignon, for warmth you understand.
Unfortunately despite fixing the battery problem I forgot to take all the pictures, must have been the cold numbing my senses.
7.0 out of ten though I deducted .5 simply because of the cold. The bill came to $130.00 inc tip.
1 comment:
I would just like to take time too thank the posters for doing what you do and making the community what it is im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.
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